As we look ahead to 2018
At this time of year, resolutions are everywhere. Setting goals is important, but the true key to success is to also create a plan. Just like you, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County is committed to success. We are just a few days away from January 1. Which means our organization is wrapping up a 3-year strategic plan and will begin implementing our 2018-2020 plan next week.
Changes to Tax Law - Implications for Nonprofit Giving
Top 3 United Way News Articles of 2017
This time of year we humans are compelled to look back and assess what was important and determine how we want to move forward. Looking at our top 3 News stories here are the ones that rose to the top, and some updates since we first published:
Top 5 Blogs of 2017
It's the end of the year so obviously we are required by law to conduct SOME kind of "Best of 2017" list. So we thought we'd share the most popular blogs from the past year, just in case you missed them.
Advocacy Alert: CHIP - Children's Health Insurance Program
From our advocacy partner, The Success Equation:
Highlands Circle: Emerging Leaders Giving Back
After 20,000 Phone Calls - a farewell to a stellar teammate
You read that blog title right. Since January of 2014, Monika, our team mate and friend, handled more than 20,000 INCOMING phone calls in her role as an information and referral specialist for NC 2-1-1. When we specify "incoming" that means that these are just the calls that came into our call center, what it doesn't include are the thousands and thousands of calls that she made on behalf of those people in our community.
Advocacy Alert: Tax Bill and Healthcare
In what is being termed the "sneaky repeal," the U.S. Senate is set to vote on a tax bill that will repeal the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act. A vote is expected as early as TONIGHT!