Celebrating the Asheville Buncombe Middle Grades Network

Submitted by kvenables on Fri, 10/13/2017 - 10:57am
In September, the Asheville Buncombe Middle Grades Network held its annual fall convening at the YMI. Here a few highlights from a day filled with celebration, relationship building and sharing of best practices between parents, teachers, administrators, non-profits and cross-sector community leaders:

Our Partnership Honored


Please Join Us
  • 8am - 10am Experience the Middle Grades Network in Action
    YMI Cultural Center, 39 S. Market Street

This is What We Do: NC 2-1-1

When asked to identify a transformational moment from 2016, Marla Browne, our teammate and NC 2-1-1’s Asheville Call Center director, didn’t hesitate; “Hurricane Matthew” was her response.

This is not a drill

This was the first time North Carolina’s statewide Emergency Management department utilized NC 2-1-1 to serve as a support service during a disaster response.


Duke Energy tackles the grounds at Owen Middle School

Last week, Duke Energy had over a dozen volunteers working out at Owen Middle School. Volunteers spread a base layer of mulch on a soon-to-be ropes course, as well as built some low elements of the ropes course. Volunteers also cleared invasive species to make room for outdoor classrooms. All of these projects are part of Owen Middle School's Natural Impact Initiative.
