What is Campaign?

Campaign season will be upon us soon — and with it, a whirlwind of events, socials, and informational meetings. We wanted to share a bit about the important players and moving parts that make it all possible.
The Employee Workplace Campaign gives local businesses and organizations — from mom and pop shops to the largest employers in Buncombe County — the opportunity to fight for the education, health and financial stability of our community by supporting the work of United Way.

Julie Smith: All In for United Way


Ask Julie Smith about community and you’ll see her passion come to life. A self described advocate and Brand Champion of United Way, Julie believes that it’s her personal responsibility to give back; to leave the community a better place for future generations. In fact, Julie believes it’s everyone’s responsibility.

The Work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

“Increase our diversity and equity knowledge to strengthen our behaviors, practices and values.”
This statement is one of the thirteen objectives you will find in our recently approved, three-year strategic plan that will guide our work in 2018-20.

Learning and Taking Action

What our DEI plan will look like in practice is still being developed by both our staff and our board. Among the activities that have already begun or are about to include:

    4 Fun Summer Volunteer Opportunities for Students

    With only a few weeks left in the school year, Asheville and Buncombe County students will soon hear the final school bells ring before they’re off to enjoy summer. While there are plenty of simple pleasures to enjoy, many parents are on the search for unique opportunities that their kids can experience. Our volunteer center, Hands On Asheville-Buncombe, has a few suggestions for ways to dig, give back to the community, and spend a summer afternoon or two experiencing something you may not normally have a chance to. 