Fraud Alert: Impersonating United Way representatives

Submitted by Elisabeth on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 3:29pm


While we haven't heard of these situations arising here locally, United Way Worldwide (UWW) has received regular reports of individuals being approached by scammers claiming to be associated with United Way since 2019.

The scammers claim to be "United Way Agents," or the friend of a friend with a report of grants from United Way. In order to receive the grant, the victim is asked to provide something (either personal information, gift cards or cash for processing fees).

Youth Matters


IIEC YOUTH AND TEEN INC. is an organization that builds relationships in the community, in the school system, and with the families of the students attending our programs.

The Youth Matters Program is designed to be an outlet for youth and teens who may need additional educational support, structure, guidance, mentorship, and love. We also offer mentorship and leadership opportunities through our collaborative partnerships.

Pisgah Legal Services


Pisgah Legal Services provides free legal services to help children and families stabilize housing and avoid homelessness, access affordable health care, increase their incomes with child tax credits and other means, and stop interpersonal violence. Any of our work can benefit children to help them reach their potential. The services of Pisgah Legal Services benefit more than 3,500 children annually.