Unleashing Potential: Tea's Community Night Story
In the heart of Asheville, a remarkable story unfolds at Asheville Middle School, a story that bridges generations and nurtures talent. Meet Tea, a bright and determined 8th grader at Asheville Middle School, and Gabby Wirth, an inspiring teacher.
Press Release by Buncombe County Schools, Blue Ridge Health, and United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County
Educators - Community Nights Are For You Too!
Are you, or have you ever been, a teacher? Are you passionate about education and community building? This story is for you.
On an almost weekly basis, something pretty cool happens here in Buncombe County. Local families with K-12 kids can come to one of seven local schools and be a part of Community Nights (featuring Homework Diners). Free to all, families can enjoy a healthy meal, get academic support, tap into some local community resources, and build relationships with other families and educators.
Community Schools Featured in Story from "By Little Media"
"Highly educated adults in the United States have lower yearly mortality rates than less-educated people in every age, gender, and racial/ethnic subgroup of the population," write University of Texas at Austin researchers.
The Pillars of Community Schools: Active Family Engagement and Its Impact on Student Success
Let's talk about a remarkable initiative making waves in Asheville and Buncombe County: Community Schools.
As the school year kicks off, the halls of Asheville Middle School are buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Students eagerly reconnect with friends and embark on new academic adventures. It's a time of fresh beginnings and renewed opportunities for growth. At the heart of it all lies the Cougar Closet, a vital resource that ensures students have the support they need to thrive.
From Chance Encounter to Lasting Commitment: Trevor's UWABC Journey
When Trevor Scarborough stepped into the United for Youth Block Party in 2022 as a volunteer, little did he know that he was embarking on a path that would weave him into the heart of the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County (UWABC).