Request For Proposals: School Based Health Centers
United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County (UWABC) recently accepted a Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) federal grant from the US Department of Education. The grant supports a wide range of activities including:
Close The GAP: Your Input Needed on Sidewalks and Greenways
Our friends at the City of Asheville recently reached out to us to ask if we would help to promote two surveys they are conducting about sidewalks and greenways. Please take a moment to fill out one or both of these surveys and ensure that your voice is heard.
Too often communities most impacted by insufficient infrastructure miss out on opportunities that can ensure their experiences and needs are included in citywide planning efforts. After you take the survey(s), be sure to share with your networks.
New Vice President Position Announced
With support from Indigo Innovation Group and key community stakeholders, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County (UWABC) is pleased to announce the creation of a new Community Engagement department and a new, senior level position to lead this work.
The Vice President of Community Engagement will lead our organization in
Community Update: A special year-end message from United Way
Welcome to our final vlog of 2020. As this most unusual year comes to a close, we want to say thank you. Your tenacity, perseverance, and commitment were on full display this past year and helped to meet unprecedented community-wide challenges. Because of you, we were able to:
You Rocked the Virtual Carpool Karaoke Challenge This Year
Special Thanks to our Generous Sponsor WNC Bridge Foundation