COVID-19 Buncombe County Food Resources
The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented challenge—for our community and communities around the world. While federal, state and local health officials agree that social distancing is key to fighting the spread of this virus, we also know that closing schools and curtailing public services is putting a strain on so many, especially those living at or below the poverty line.
In order to best serve our community we’ve partnered with city and county leaders and funneled information from our 2-1-1 database to this website with local food pantries, shelters, and services in Buncombe County during COVID-19.
*Please note that this is a real-time list, being updated every day as resources are added or shift. Please share with your networks and reach out to us if you're aware of additional resources not shown on this list.
** And please remember that you can dial 2-1-1 from your phone 24 hours a day/7 days a week to speak with a specialist who can direct you to real-time health and human service resources closest to you in our community.
Want to support our work in culling and convening community resources? We welcome your donations HERE.