Launched: Women's Leadership Council

On May 7th over 60 women gathered to learn about and sign up to join the Women’s Leadership Council. This "WLC" is now part of a powerful network of caring women – more than 50,000 members in 130 communities across the country – who are standing up and taking action. Here’s what is happening in Buncombe County.

What is WLC?

In addition to being part of a national network, the Women’s Leadership Council is a way for women to drive change in our community. By contributing $1,000 or more to the United Way Community Investment Fund, providing volunteer time, professional expertise, and talent to support middle school students and their families, and advocating on behalf of middle school students, women will lead the way to ensuring that all students are success-ready 9th graders – part of a community solution to increase high school graduation rates.

How will it work?

Once someone joins WLC, she can get involved in the ways that work for her. Upcoming events include community gardening projects at Enka Middle School, viewing a documentary on middle school and discussing what it means in our own community, training to evaluate after-school programs for middle schoolers, a Day of Caring project specifically for WLC members, and several networking and social events. Even more opportunities will be created over time.

The enthusiasm that was generated this week tells me there is real interest in this approach to community change. The women who came to the event on Tuesday (as well as those who couldn’t be there, but want to participate) are ready to engage in making a better life for all in our community. And they are willing to start with a group that gets very little attention: middle school youth.

For more information, see the event pictures, check out our website (there are multiple pages about WLC so poke around) or contact Arin Billings, Leadership Giving manager, and seriously consider joining this fabulous group!

