The funds we raise from our neighbors, local businesses, government, and foundations allow us to make crucial financial investments in our community and get us a step closer to achieving our vision of a united and resilient community where everyone belongs and everyone thrives.
Focus on Youth Success
We believe that high-quality education is the key to reducing poverty and increasing social mobility. But too often complex issues like safe homes and neighborhoods, access to quality physical and mental health care, and resources and transportation for after-school activities impact youth success.
Gaps in opportunity are often where the academic performance gaps begin. Locally, the gap in educational attainment, one of the highest in the nation, is the consequence of pervasive gaps in opportunity throughout our community.
Community Partnerships, Accountability, and Impact
Improving educational outcomes requires addressing complex social challenges beyond the school’s control. By leveraging our partnerships and experience, and centering youth and community voice, we aim to align our organization towards a singular goal:
By 2035, all Asheville City and Buncombe County students will graduate from high school ready to pursue their goals and dreams.
For the first time in our 100+ year history, we are holding ourselves and our partners accountable for achieving specific community-level results.
Our Impact Strategy
United for Youth and Community Schools are at the heart of our impact strategy, with investments in two main areas:
- Partner Investments: Grants or contracts to community partners for programs directly contributing to the Bold Community Goal, such as after-school programs and mental health support.
- Backbone Investments: Support for leadership, coordination, evaluation, and strategic implementation by United Way staff and contractors.
As we move into our second century of impact, we are making a conscious decision to mobilize the incredible resources and partnerships we have built over the last century to make targeted, strategic investments that continue to produce focused results.